You see he gave no reason why he said no support just no support so what can I do to help with My application it was not immature but simply very...
Ok will do!
Why, please give me feed back on why you said no support? Is that better? And I did add a lot of information to start with, must I add more?
Thank You
Hi Jesse I fixed the mistake of the spelling error and you are allowed to use custom templates and many Moderator Applications use the template...
Super Quick's Moderator Application Welcome to My Moderator Application My age: 13 Years ING: SuperQuickPVP_HD What languages do you speak?: I...
It would make the post more appealing...
No Support, Add more color and more detail never seen you on prison before
As Bombmasaur said but with a lot of color added as well No Support
Hi zCrits, My in game name is SuperQuickHD_PVP, I would like this second account because I would like to give it to my friend that plays black...
I would like this to happen, very much so.
If you read the moderator application requirements it requires a lot of information about why you would like to be a moderator but you have put...
No support Add more color But good luck hope to see u on op factions soon
Both clocks are different times?
Its simple????
Because it is High Maintenance and a mix with apple and windows, looks good Knows the weather, low cpu and ram usage, the recycling bin is full....
Hi please look at this image [IMG]
I only support people who deserve it!!
Support gl
Thanks for the support