I am neutral for the idea. I disagree with Kyle because some players may be angry that they lost all progress on getting to Z or their plot they...
Support, it isn't a popular map and it would make Infection more fair.
Neutral, It is overpowered for the Mods. While most of them are trustworthy there are a few that are not.
Support, I like the idea of adding protection to a few pieces. I would recommend to the boots and helmet. This way people would feel Supreme is...
No support, it probably will end up like hell block. People like the original most of the time, Skyblock is played more often then Hell block and...
Support, this idea is great. The minor ranks should get a small thing like, first rank gets iron sword, second rank iron sword, and 2 gapples,...
Support, however i do think that it is kind of overpowered, the ranks already have these massive kits and just giving them a way to escape, switch...
Support, I believe it should be for the following servers: Op PvP, Kit PvP, Prison, Op Prison, Factions, Op Factions, and an archer arena would...
Hello! I have been on Mineverse for a while now, but I have only recently got a forums account. I can't wait to get started helping people, and...
Welcome to the Server, if you like prison servers I recommend trying OP Prison. Type /kit starter to get a kit and the sell all sign is behind you...
Thank you this helps.
When I try to create a chest shop on opprison when somebody buys or sells an item I don't get any money, could it be my username is too long? It...