No problem gl
Email the support staff works but also try finding a mod to manually contact CypriotMerks
I have tried sending them emails, its faster to change your name back.
Support, I love all the maps except the end.
Good job, discussions, help, and suggestions threads are a good way to be noticed
No support, just need to be active more. Good Luck
Don't get angry mods like to have some fun too.
It might be, I think its a mix of @Herf and @PopperZ
They really are busy I do know this.
First one only the co-owner can help with. The second one I can tell you for a fact you need to change your name back.
You do have to wait, but It can be fixed
I voted to see if I could O_o and okay thanks.
okay thanks
How old are you? I am currently 12 years of age. What is your in game name? TheKingOfKings5 What time zone are you in? Central time zone What...
Just prove that you are fit to be a mod.
Thank you and hello!