Won't be on for a while, having issues at the moment. Maybe 3 days to a week.
I can FINALLY write on your profile! hi.
Our Halloween was pretty unique, a guy from the KKK, a masked murderer and a dead cowgirl XDDDD
No support. I'm being 100% honest, I don't believe a word of what you said in your first characteristic paragraph about maturity.
Banned for not appreciating my correction.
Yo. Basic aim of the game, describe why the person posting above you is illuminati. For example I would start by saying why I would be...
Banned for incorrect math in your entire illuminati speech. "12-14=2" The real mathematic term would be X-y=z. X being 14, Y being 12 and Z...
I need an alt with the security questions, hmu on skype
I had a lap dance session with cyp whilst he was afk. Ahh, good memories.
@CypriotMerks it's a perfectly safe thread that isn't hate
Ah, see I told someone else to click it for me so I didn't have to worry. #DoubleTheRebel
Yeah, what server actually is this :p And I don't see any other way you could be dead on top of "spawn" unless Cyp wants to wreck you
Hotline bling me?
I like @MaxNinja10 more than you
No support. -you're disliking everyone's dedicated feedback. -You're asking for "more likes and there will be an update" -Chatmoderator isn't a...
ur a nub
Dude don't gravedig threads. @bananaman11223 @Janice999 @12323kyle