Have you got anything for Black Ops 3?
1st supporter, I feel your pain.
Ok, thanks for changing your mind, Tuba. :)
They're Instagram accounts, lool
Who even gives a damn? This forum was made for mineverse, not the alternative.
Server advertising much? @Scorvix @CypriotMerks
I play the flut and the paino
2scary rahh
Don't troll me..
I'm sure Cyp likes to be stalked by you.
@ZeldaNinja :D
True, but my thumb does need a rubber pad whilst my end fingers need a platform.
Yeah... I was looking up to the Ouroboros for ages but I think I've grown to the Mamba now, lol.
That's why I may be getting the Mamba. Literally the only thing I'm unsure on the Ouroboros about is the gap in the middle
It may look stupid but it's a hella good mouse. Snap
Unlikely you will but could you check Pm? Nothing important, or annoying. Just giving you an extra opportunity.
So I went shopping today..
I'm also getting a mouse this Christmas. Specifically a Razer Ouroboros (top) or a Razer Mamba (bottom) both are extremely good mice, try watching...