btw its my b-day tomorrow :D
Mvxine rip lol
Guys its my B-day tomorrow :D
congrats mates you earned it.:D
Ik guys im so bad. xD
I'm dying rn D;
Ya ok I do agree and i for got to support, realy good application. SUPPORT!
I think it is a grate app but i do not see you very often on and when i do i only see you on infection most of the time.
Ok so 1 egg per round and it gets you down to half health?
Ok thanks guys I agree wit all of you, I think one egg per round is ok.
xD whatever m8
Ok I am righting this because I think that the "eggs" on infection are way to over powered, because they get you down to half a heart and then...
Yea i guess thanks guys!
Ok sorry on the rant pile :/
Because i dont rely want to apply for mod or something and not get it because i dont have rec sofware. And i am not saying i hate staff or...
And not many people want to waste space in there pc memory on recording software
Ok i am posting this because i am tired of all these staff/owners assuming that everyone on the planet has recording software, because im here to...
sorry no support
mk thx guys