Thanks Grayson!
I can't find you because there are too many people. Maybe send me a convo and link me your profile?
My first account @InsiteLynx was banned for some reason. So when I make a Mod App People are like: get more known in the community. Ive been...
No support, Its as good as premium almost.
Hey I added you. Are you PrincessPayne? Im juljul232 if you know me. Added you on steam.
Everyone plays CS:GO now. (Me too). Hey Agent, remember im juljul232? And you're Steam profile to add you?
Thank you! :)
Wasssaaaap xD
Hey smasher, happy to see you again!
If he was Noobcrew's brother. Why can't he ask him himself. :L (Smashes Head Into Wall Violently)
Hey guys, just wanted to make this thread if you play CS. Post your steam profile link below (Just trying to get a bigger friendlist :P) GL&HF...
What I miss about old infection is old friends!
I agree because I already have glasses. And I don't want a second pair.
Ive been on this server for 1 and half years.
Ive been on this server for more than 1 and a half years. My other forums account got hacked.
Thanks! :happy:
I wanted someone to help me name change but I found Cyps thread
No, its not another account but I changed my name. Thanks anyway :) !
Its nice to see all these people welcome me back!
Thank you!