Its hard to get along with people who 3v1 and then accuse that one person of hacks.
Not a lot of info. 25% support
You rate his post dumb. Immature. No support
Gratz :)
Im confident I wont get ebola so no, I am not scared.
Omg!!!! He griefed me and took all my stuff!! Give it back omfg1!!!11!1!!~!11!`1
1. Age: 13 2. PVPSkill 1-10: 8 3. Have you ever been banned for hacking/Other?: I've never been banned ever 4. In-Game Rank?: Commander 5. You...
What Savvy said.
Try to add more info. One sentence wont get you mod. Good luck though
Support :)
No support.
When you say you need help, my suggestion is a therapist
Spongebob is love, Spongebob is life :3