*grabs popcorn and sits back and watches the show* now how menu agrees can i get here
support you are a good and kind player but more info and it would be perfect
there the people on here getting cocky we see them in game...
and you get the people saying hahahahah rekt you kid ezz pzz??
chloy do you pvp [good] ???
choloy if someones being put number 1 then being cocky about it thats asking for a fight and saying they raped the people in this list….
chloyy this thread has 22 pages of arguing mods even posting in there….. if it was banned it would of been closed by now
and op pvp requires skills to strafe and crit hit stuff you don't have to do on kit because you lay 2 hits they run a mile
and to enchant armour to get pro 4 :O big skills you mean normal minecraft skills enchanting so hard want a medal??
yes the skill to beg to a titan
so when i kill people on kit pvp ow its kit it does not matter your only good because of the stuff you have
what makes kitpvp better then??
http://www.mediafire.com/download/wfkwl1j9twybgiw/AndrewwwCraft.zip for you cris
and yoshi thats why we carry 8 sets on us :o
thats why we said about getting better armour and can we add axes me no like swords :(
yeeeeee pandanoob :D