I agree and get Ele! It's ya boy Grapey :)
Yeah I do agree you can just copy and paste what you said in the help section. This is about things on mv you wanna talk about not problems.
That's pretty cool Im A check that out even though I'm not good at parkour lol
I kinda got the same problem I guess but I'm good now. It said something about io.netty and couldn't get on mv. I mean I'm fine now I did...
A good pack is Azurine UHC. It also depends on what type of packs you like
Thank you. :D
Ok, once I do so do I just re apply? Or you guys will just decide whether I am going to be a mod instead of me doing this whole thing again and...
Read before application: So you know my experience with Mineverse The servers that I play on are, Archer PvP, Op PvP, Kit PvP(New one), and...
Is active.
My Ign: Grapeon Hacker's Ign: Inter10maggio Once again just chilling in kitpvp then this guy wanted to be a showoff and no slow me to the death...
My Ign: Grapeon Hackers' Igns: RawSteak145 SexyDarkVenom So I was just chilling, playing some kitpvp (the best) and, all...
My Ign is: Grapeon Hacker's Ign: HarambeL So, I died with my full pp4 multiple sets of it by a hacker and sadly didn't get any video proof of it...
IGN: Grapeon Age: 15 Pvp Skill: (1-10) 7 Rank: Elite What can I bring to the clan: I can bring support and help :D Why I think I should I be...
That's Why I personally don't play infection anymore D:
Creative also has a toxic chat all in all, its just dumb
What I do (I get 12 cps) I curve my hand like I'm going to scratch someone and just click as fast as you can, trust me it works. :D
Ok thanks. :D
My IGN: Grapeon My Time zone: Pacific Standard time. My Country: United States. Languages I speak: English. Is 2FA enabled? Yes. Can I capture...