Lol I did
Ight then.
Yes, og
K thx I have changed it :) Once I reach 50 messages.. What will happen then?
Thank you!!!! And I wasn't really trying to advertise I was just showing them that I can record in that way
Wait is this a infection clan recruitment Or something?
Well I'm just trying to proof a point here not trying to be a doosh and get mv blacklisted xD
Well on op pvp that's how it is*
But do you see what I'm saying? But then again a lot of the people who are non ranks are hacking.. Well I'm ok pvp Thats how it is.
Nah I'm da real of here you randy
Some servers on MV are pay 2 win, they used to be like that. Now it's not really but they still haven't changed it and I think it's unfair for...
You think Im a pull a all nighter on a school night? That's crazy! Well, I'm going to try so xD
Lol good :)
Probably no mod will help you but if you don't wanna do the trade with him because scamming then don't
Wait in some game modes in mv it is I think legal right?
True very true
That's nice :)
Lol good job have you found your wallet tho?
When your really tired but don't wanna go to bed ;-;
Hey* gets lol