Thanks ;)
Ok, what was the point of you proving that point? Hm?
What does that have to do with anything?
:-: I knew that pshh*
Thanks :)
Hm, you proved your point but, It was just a clickbait.
I'm good.
No, not really.
Thank you.
Yes, you can apply and show the evidence that you weren't hacking.
I'm not arguing I'm just bickering with this guy. There's a difference.
Lol, ok.
You just remembered though now? Ok. And another reason why you don't see him in-game is because he doesn't play the servers you play one. But then...
Ya wanna go???? 17
That was fast, changed your decision pretty fast.. Why so?
Hm, ok but I'm not a nub :/
Yes because he only does neutrals from what I have seen him/her do
69 Missisippi
Hey Kyra :). How have you been?