Well, in my time, it's 10/31, and I would like to say Happy Halloween, and have a fun time trick-or-treating (if you are.) Have a good day/evening...
On Hellblock, I crafted myself a Glowstone Axe (because why not?) I held it, and I had infi-night vision. This happened the same thing as my...
I just felt honestly bored, and decided to do this: [ATTACH] How did I do? Yes, I know. The head looks demented, because the last head that I...
Damn... RIP island... too much infi lava down there. It's like a burning Eiffel Tower but flowing down to the void... [ATTACH]
[If you supposed to vote in-game to receive the rewards... dang... :(] For the past few days of Hellblock, after it was released, I was pretty...
This is kind of creepy... I swear... what's with the wither thing on the bottom of my island... and all of those nether portals... :confused:...
You saw the title. I hope you know the voting page where you can see the Top 5 monthly voters (I don't feel like saying it just so that I won't...
Hey everyone! Has this ever happened to you? On KitPvP, I bought the [Commander] rank a long time ago, and then guess what happens... I get a...
Uh... hi. I am Creepersteam. I may be a familiar player to some of you, and others... no. Whatever. I used to be around another one of...