Your ingame name: ToruPvP The offender's exact ingame name: 49Arrowcut A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking, using...
Support for my b :P
Your ingame name: ToruPvP The offender's exact ingame name: iTz_Quality A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: he told me on his...
Thanks :P
->Recruitment Application Format<- Your current age: 12 About yourself (optional): PvP skill level (1-10): Like 6, 7 or 8 (I'm not sure lol)...
Yeah we definatly need a change on Op PvP, a new map would be sick, but you should remove knock back sticks to, it makes all the noobs run away...
Template IGN - ToruPvP Age - 12 Way of contact - Skype (I'll msg you it) Strengths - PvP Background - Used to be a noob, used to hack but now I'm...
Unbanned from Op PvP finally, fryzigg you're an awesome mod :)
Awesome :D
Yes, thank you :)
Ok I told them to, but one of them if ask and she's been in there for 12 hours
And yes, it was Carolinapiera
They can't type
michelle2023 and frosty_minecraft are trapped in an end portal, could a staff please come online and get them out?