DjRyan, I'm merging many of your posts as you appear to be trying to farm, if you can't say it all in one post, don't say it. Secondly, you...
This is over, when Cyp gets to this he'll decide what actions to take.
Lucky/OG, you posted your screenshots and evidence. This will all be taken into the factors of decisions made in favor of/against you. The more...
That server has been in competition with us for a very long time. We are still here and don't have to advertize to make it happen. I plan not to...
Why u follow me Sui?
Stop spamming posts, if you have more relavent information to add to the thread that isn't a reply to someone, edit your existing posts to make...
Do not use these forums as a way to boost your post count. Useless posts in our official forums are against the rules. I will be handling the...
He appears to have been on the ladder and climbing. Archiving.
I'll get on to deal with this issue tomorrow. I'm not feeling the greatest today and won't be getting on the servers.
I will be looking into this the next time I'm on, likely tomorrow.
As with the other thread, you must provide proof. Failure to do so will get yu no where.
You do need evidence before I can do anything about it. I'mma give you a short time to reply with some, if you fail to I will archive this post.
Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.
Minimaps, as far as I know are allowed. This report however is over, Mineterria was in his rights muting you for such a short time for being...
I'm the only moderator on parkour. I will mute the next chance I get to be online.
Rules are rules. It's on the first sign in the first level. There is no excuse to break our rules, ever.
The thing about putting on a filter is that people are so interesed in swearing in your chat when they fail that they will intentinally try to...
Everyone needs to remember a very important rule about donating for ranks on the server. You're donating. Giving us money is an act of support for...