I see, the spoiler at the end there didn't make it seem that way. I apologize for taking it wrong, text does that to things. I still love ya, I...
Awesome job. You amongst others are making it seem like those of us who legitimately left are getting jabbed at. I thought you had more sense than...
Gwism, you're my friend. I've never been treated particularly badly by you and I've only been treated well in most cases. You've treated other...
Thanks man. I means a lot to see some real appreciation. I'm still around for you, though Ive recently cleared my skype contact list for various...
I've elected to step down. It's not temporary, but not irrevocable. It's just my personal choice, nothing is wrong. Thanks for your concern.
lol I already know I'm a jerk. I'm one of the toughest moderators on here and people always love moderators to their faces. XD Behind our backs...
We, as appointed moderators of the server act under the authority of the server ownership and administration. There is no reason for anyone to...
The first set of images is not falsified. It's a copy/paste method that can alter the chat, the images are original and show no sign of...
A few notes here. First of all, the object of the reports here and not in some e-mail fashion is so that a moderator's peers can judge them. A few...
Thread moved. If you have proof of your allegations, then read our sticky posts in this board then try reporting him once again.
Me and my mother quite a few years ago. I miss you mom. <3
This doesn't need a million bumps per day guys...
Note, my last name is Batt. Thus, I'm Battman.
Thank you for the notice, god shouldn't have allowed him to take items from protected areas and he can't hit you back while in god mode either, so...
Lets not resort to bumps. Admittedly this is my fault for not unwatching the thread. However, bumping a mod app is considered shameless and will...
After complaining to you about having been tagged, you alter the thing and tag me again. -.- No. There is no maybe about my support, your lack of...
Yeah, if someone can get ahold of Cyp, this is the time that a sticky would be nice. People aren't replying often and this needs to stay towards...
Yeah, but were you a moderator BEFORE you joined? >.> Sorry. Just trying to feel a little special for once in my life. T_T
I joined on November 8th, the day I became a moderator. XD
For those of you who are upset about Pile's current situation. This may be temporary. Things need to be sorted out and the like. Everyone needs to...