I've always admitted to being strait lazy, especially after I became a solid member of the team. Most of the older staff did this, I've just...
Don't go expecting everyone to reply. I was linked to this via other staff, they have seen it and chose not to voice any opinion, either positive...
You've brought up some very valid points here, points that even I have failed to see or act upon when I did see them. Mine is a pure case of...
As much as I'd love to help here, I'm not up to date on hacks and how they work. I'm preparing for my daily job and would need to do some research...
then lets add @Pile_of_Butts @CypriotMerks @KatoKillsMyGPA
Picking two? @Darkchyldeone @ScoFu13
It looks a lot better. I'll also suggest not bumping too much, it looks like you're far too eager. Your writing ability is, in part, a measure of...
If you want my opinion (as a person who has helped point out people to be selected as moderator and a person who has some insight into what we...
Locking and Archiving.
Looks like I got it. Huzzah and stuff.
Guy, you need to just relax. It's time someone reminded you that this is a game. Also, moderating isn't a "fun" position. We like to have fun but...
I applied fair and square like everyone else. I didn't just go to Cyp and ask to be promoted. Just throwing that out there. Thank you to...
Thank you all for your kindness. If staff could remove the posts critiquing my app I'd be appreciative. Those threads aren't needed as I explained...
You may have seen my app, don't get too excited.
I'd like to note that no proof was given on the kill aura ban. I personally scoured that evidence. You're admission of guilt was an agreement that...
You don't have to, I asked in the app not to criticize it over length and content. If a staff member could please remove the following post.
As noted in the description, my lack of information is to prevent advantages of being former staff from hitting too hard. I answered the required...
Evidence? Of what? And my spelling is immaculate...
How old are you? 27 Your in-game name: Xelnagahunter What timezone are you in? Eastern Standard (-5 GMT) What country do you live in? United...
Furyion, you know I've always respected you and your opinions as a member of the staff, but this situation isn't about the players with relevant...