uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh o we starter derp
thanks tj
thank you wiitarded your the best <3
Thank you so much man love you Herf <3
INTRO _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Hey guy's i'm SoloPvPSkillz in game but outside i am Anthony i am a 12 year old boy...
SUPPORT 1)nice 2)loyal 3) i see you a lot 4)i do tryed's with you s lot and you never scam 5) dos not lie
_-_What I have_-_ 1) skype 2) ts 3)gaming setup 4) yt chanel 5) recording softweir (OBS)...
I bought god rank on December-25-2016 and it only shows on some thing like kitpvp1-2 and archerpvp and lobby2 but it does not show on the rest of...
-_- (Minecraft Name)-_- My minecraft name is kingpandajr Because my best friend has cancer and he loves Panda's and I love them so I wanted to...
I wanna be staff because this is my favorite server I play on it lot and I wanna be staff really bad because there are really no staff on kitpvp...