Yo Pile can you now ask a admin pls i want Play again!!! ign jonas382kohler you said you will talk with the owner 4 days ago
Pile i thinkg the guy is SilentTheroy becouse at the start of the Video this one https://youtu.be/uoC4DeenBhA He said "If you don't give my stuf...
No i think you don't Need it. But one Thing with they shout do i do downgrade the /fix. When you Play like 3 hourse at the day and no god or...
Pile can you check my ban Appeal got falsh banned some poeple both me a ank and charthed back
ok ty I just can't wait till Play mineverse again
QUertiss can a Admin do anything i don't want to be banned forever.
help me at my ban Appeal pls dude you know me good
pls tell me how i start a msg .....
I don't know how to Report i just did it 1 time and then they said! it's offer so yes im not much on at Forum PLS DODE
but the i gave him the stuf and then he said me he will ddose me so or so! TEll me pls waht you will do when a guy says he will ddose you? you...
Noobcrew Paypal banned me for 2 days for spamming and I ask Ifonus he said you just get a mute but no ban pls tell it to PayPal!