I think kitpvp should have mcscorebaord so we can see out /bal kills death and killstreak and if you dont want it do /mcscoreboardremove i think...
wasnt this already a old post?
Um i did this in a different server :-: is a legit real server
Today i think we should add /trade heres a demonstration on a different server [MEDIA]
/kit soup every 15secs ? maybe like kit fight
I got a better verison in a video [Video Edited Out - Advertising]
I thought iof this cool suggestion for mineverse opprison and prison [MEDIA]
_ICYB3AR_ Hacker names: Omoi, Cookiendinopvp, G3S, jakejr112 Proof : [MEDIA]
Ign _ICYB3AR_ Hacker name _Noticemejael_ Hacking Proof: [MEDIA]
Im confused
Ign name _ICYB3AR_ Hacker name lukecos Hacking is agaisted rules https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4gLpeq9IRI
Here the link to the hackers [MEDIA] Ign name _ICYB3AR_ Hackers name Givemenoodles and daniel2060
I can now record and now i can capture edv. better
Nop SUpport
I know you could get banned but I just wanted to show you guys the glitch I found
I thinkwe should fix tnt cannon that we can only use it when the game start because I like to use tnt cannon to get out of glass heres a video:...
Neutral how would you get them thou
I think we should add /warp hell after another rank in Op Prison here a screenshot that i built in creative @ Mineverse. And to see more details...
got them!! My ign: _ICYB3AR_ Hackers name: zKuroClientz and KettJoey They were hacking which is breaking a rule