I think there should be a progress bar in Opprison to see how far you are form ranking up if you want to turn it off do /progressbaroff
I think there should be /fly in Opprison mines cuz its really hard to get to places when you /fly you only fly till a certain place so you do goto...
this cancer that they call host is dumb lost about gear worth 1000$ in Op 500 in Kitpvp
As we know there some bad mods in Mineverse For example Cotner DOnt do anything in Oppvp at least 10 people yell Cotner TPtptptpptptptptptptp...
You wut m8 [Youtube]_ICYB3AR_ looks bad NoSup.
What hell no
I know that mineverse has a new host but its Crappy as hell i think they should get the old one back :)
Holy crap she go the same b day as me :-:
I think they should change /Kit tank to /Kit Jeeeeewy #JEEEEEWY FOR THE WIN!
I think there should be a baltop in Kitpvp because i wanna see whos the richiest
Sometimes it would say there old name then later it would say there new name
Abudng power right there NS.
I thought is was gonna get rested because of the Duping on 4/23/16
The rank still never came to scammed
_ICYB3AR_ scammer name MISSxSTORM scamming Proof [MEDIA]
my name _ICYB3AR_ Scammer name:xxthe1stmasterxx Scammer is badbdbdbdbbsbd Proff [MEDIA]
how can it be abused?