Neutral just clear the strII if the pv is full of them cause its called suspension
Its only 3 days ban i believe i think scam ban should vbe like 1 week If you agree put in Comment
reset them all Lol
No support
You know how you get heads from bounty and its all 100% drop i think it shouldnt be needed a bounty for a head it should be a 1% drop from any...
Should there be /repair in Oppvp put in below
bad attitude
I want all blackjack tables in All gamemodes I NEED IT IN KITPVP! i need to bet in my 15k cash you know LOL i think it should be addedd in all...
Yeh i heared about mojang being pissed at servers about the ranks I thought you just couldnt buy them anymore
Looks kinda like ....
I thought i saw maxninja10 have gm3
You know how sometimes people spam the hell out of you with Tp request well i think there should be a think like /tpaoff to turnoff all tpa...
I said OPprison cash
SUpport but thought it was too big btw call it Shatters
_ICYb3AR_ 666_exe Ddos treats i think Proof:
WTf is the point of blaze rod when Mverse disabled fire damge