What kinds of picks and armour
Its 3 days then if they do it again the ban days increase ...
Kit mvp doesnt give lava but i believe that sponser does I think this should be fixed
Support Oppvp Please
WTF i posted this already LOL
_ICYB3AR_ Scammer name CoinKid Scamming Proof [MEDIA]
Everytime I vote its only goes to some gamemodes not Opprison skyblock etc. I think this should be fixed
I think they should remove the Move before chatting because its really annyoing because when i wanna say somehting it says that noob thing MOVE...
They should make scamming legal when they have /trade but i heard there was a dupe within the command so when they fix it then make scamming...
are you omg no comment
make anvils come back in Oppvp spawn i dont know why they made it gone.
make more rares in Kitpvp put im comments below what you would like the items to be.
make health pots (splash) work or remove them in Kitpvp Please put in comments which you would like Remove or make them work
they should add a reapir sign in Oppvp Kitpvp is 7$ so Oppvp should be double so 14$ repair sign
Totoally screenshare with the richiest player and do /pay (Yourname) (All there cash) (toyou)
In other servers Scamming is legaled but they have /trade so you get scammed your fault for not using /trade
Are you dumb!