Hi Madison :)
Full support, just try to be more active outside prison ;)
Hello cellis :)
Re-Support :)
Full support.
Re-Support! :)
1. Koalamere16 2. snowtruper42 3. Chat offenses + spamming 4. [ATTACH]
1. Koalamere16 2. TimidMoth 3. Hacking - bhop - no slow 4. [MEDIA]
Support for 1-4, not for 5 I like the ah commands
Support. Helps me a lot in-game Active Does reports (I watch them daily from YT)
I saw it! It was a grand slam :)
No support. Sorry
Support! :)
Zip lining!
No support.
Thanks so much Kyle.
No support. Be more active Do more reports Add more detail The color hurts my eyes You don't meet all of the requirements.