Hey TeamTyler, who am I?
Waz up guys, I'm am the long time Minetime member known as Satoru, well I guess you could say I've been on Mineverse longer, but this is the first...
I hack all the time and I don't get banned, cause im smart enough not to get caught
I haven't been on in forever
Banned because your a chicken with sun glasses
banned for coloring the leadership
banned for killing a cat and then using it as your profile picture
banned for not being a leader
Banned for good job at shutting them up about goblin asshats
Support, and why when I posted my guard application this many people didn't respond. Your application is still good, so Support.
banned for having a goblin asshat at the end of your sentence.
Banned For Not Having A Repetitive Overuse Of Capital Letters
banned for banning me and me banning you and then you banning me again
banned for banning me
banned for being staff
banned for being a prison guard
banned because im back in this