Hello :P
My computer finally got fixed, luckily the people who worked on it saved my login details :D
Alright, will work on that. If you think of anything else, don't hesitate to mention something. I will look for you in game. Anything else? Ok,...
Huh, I guess I can see where you are coming from Neutral Good Luck on it~
Hmu fabulous photobomber
You could go ahead and make the thread yourself. Does it have to be all official?
Because they don't think it is serious Also, Mineverse doesn't technically effect Mineverse directly, so a whole section would be pointless....
Drugs are not the answer
2 + 2 = 5
Goodbye. Have a good life. If that is what you want. If not, then have a bad life.
This would be awesome This would perhaps get some more popularity for Parkour? Support
For example, pretend that all of these quotes below are different responses Anything I could work on? THANKS Thanks :) Can you elaborate?...
Just a suggestion, put all your responses together. If not it can be seen as message farming.
Fight4Glory, same as my forums
Welcome :>
I play on Op PvP and skywars and haven't ever seen you and our timezones aren't that different, are you sure you are "known" on these servers?...
No Support These being my reasons
Support on both We can't really help that People do that all the time on many different occasions.
^^^^^^^ Also, if you do ever lose something you can always prove ownership and ask for a refund