[ATTACH] Pickled turnips is Cussing and Its inapropriate for this game.
bananaman we Made a Deal dosent Mean u go Against it like 1 month into it i thought u were Diffrent and Mature but I was Wrong u and Nuclear are...
Seen it and I got Proof Of Deal bieng Done u guys are a bunch of SCAMMERS
U guys are going to chargeback becasue of Nothing I got Screenshots Of deal Bieng OVER so its DONE
I dont hack Niether does he we keep our hacked items and No they Dont keep popping Up they Are coming from his shops he Left Behind so U dont Know...
You guys Said Deal was Done
You either make sure he dont chargeback
Abtin3000 you know him? i got all my hacked items from HIM
I dont HACK
Lol i cant Hack i HAVE NO CLUE what ur talking about so u know i did not rank scam i got Proof of the Deal Bieng OVER so its AGAINST the rules i...
Never said i would Not pay u the Money lol
I dont Hack
HURRY!~ @canucksfan44 please tag noobcrew and cyp PLEASE
He said Something about 100$ that was Not in the Deal
Theres Proof of him saying Deal was Over
I got more right now get ON SKYBLOCK
...... Cant belive i got scammed No there on my other computer!
[ATTACH] @melgrath @Noobcrew @CypriotMerks @PandaBear__ I traded For the Rank Titan and Now i Have a Threat To do a Charge BACK HELP! they are...
It dont matter How Strong you are its How much Hits u can Take and Get back up.