100% support i like this Idea Because i Have filled my Echest on ALL servers and I want this to be added
Ares if the Mods have a Rank then they should get This but if Not then No Expansion!
I agree Mods should Get nothing they should stay with Default they are here to help not to get Extras.
100% Support i think this is a GREAT idea!!!!!
Goofy lookin xD
Yea acually that may help.
I know but there the owners they need to do something
Yea i just noticed @Nightfire88539
Ok i want Prestige 10 to be fixed its ALL glitched so p1 GETS better additions for when you spawn in as a zombie @canucksfan44 @Nightclaw12345...
I support but what if a Person does not want to Be messed with (or Stalked)
Hey Cyp We need some more Infection Maps :D
Uncle You are one to Talk about Scamming. This is a Thread That will Cause alot of Fighting So Please Close this before This gets into a Real...