Hey Feurin Can you make me one like The third 1 but with my name?? I like the font on it :D
I don't think its armor
Uncle what is the glitch??!!
What was the glitch ImTopmass??
I didn't know that if you tag a mod or admin in your mod app that it will give you a less chance of getting mod :(
That's the one thing I didn't know that's why I was asking them :( I didn't know it will lower my chance
OMg im with you on that <3
@CypriotMerks I don't know if I will get a auto deny on this sense I am asking you to look at this... but if this is bad to ask plz tell me I...
well im not that active
u know what?!?! I support im not going to sit here knowing that there is better players than someone else lets all just restart! but one thing I...
Can you just make a new kitpvp and the names can be (Old Kitpvp--)(New Kitpvp--)
I don't wana get in trouble for something I didn't know :P
@Popls_MyLife I don't know if im spouse to tell a mod are something to check my Mod app out I just wana show you that I made one and....Don't...
ive been following you xD
Christopher01 Twitter following u
ok thx
Welcome :)
@PopIs_MyLife I can ask him/her to say it to me 1 more time?? and ill screen shot it is that ok??