Thanks moni!
Support, loads of people get pissed when they find out who reported them :/
Thanks, LemoMaster :p Thank you!
my friend dared me to eat a rose once, it was disgusting
Support man! good luck!
It's not that people hate you necessarily (although that might be the case with some) for me it was more the fact that with all the negative...
Alright so, most of us already know there is an issue with /jump and /ej or extrajump on KitPvP2, you can easily get into trade rooms and steal...
Yeah I see, /me works tho :P Sounds like a good idea, you could make a suggestion thread about that one, unlikely imo however. Thank you moni :)...
Nice channel :P
Thank you! Dude, that's pretty much all of them. :I Thanks :) It's true we don't get much for having a massively expensive rank, but it would...
Acceptation? lokaddV2 sounds way better :3
grats :D
Even if they do we still get awesome chat codes :P Thanks!
You're probably gonna get warned for triple posting, you should merge the messages.
Yea, there are some issues, and to my knowledge these are being discussed and worked on at the moment.
um, what?
Welcome back..?