Every time he sees me on hes starts asking for his stuff :/
This guy sh_x_ehab got mad because he lost a PvP fight and wouldn't stop harrasing me about it. http://gyazo.com/3c17c8ae7212461f896ff0340e155296...
The EULA is only stating that you cannot pay real-life money for in-game money, You can still buy ranks and everything will be fine. Please do...
Ok because i really don't want a map reset :P
Is there going to be a factions map reset for 1.8?
You can also use it to knock people into the air then hit them so you can knock them back farther and deal a little fall damage :)
I like this idea if it destroys armour faster than swords.
Lol someone forgot to turn off their kill-aura XD
I'm pretty sure its against the rules to have people voting from more than one IP to get top voter.
Lol I started this XD
wait never mind they are back on kitpvp, almost all gone on factions though
Well they have been gone from kit pvp for almost 3 days now and I haven't seen any mods on :P
Some kid at the library, named Alex or some stuff.
Just wanted to point out that anvils on factions and kit-pvp seem to be running out. Didn't see any other threads about this so i figured I would...
Adding some more detail right now, also adding colors.
Thanks for the support guys :D
How old are you? 13 (mature) Your in-game name: DiezelTheo What timezone are you in? Est. (United States and Canada What country do you live in?...