First off, if this is a report, it does not belong here. Secondly that doesn't look like hacks.
Add more letter types? idk :P
Chat filters, make it so no one can type the word nordicunivers into chat.
Could the moderators do their job for once and lock this thread.
I have a job kid, what do you do for a living?
What I'm saying is, is that there was zero reason for him to put that little bit in there, he was trying to show us how cool he is for going into...
You are the one that sounds like a pissed off nine year old. Also, school is out for the summer here in the good ol' U-S-of-A.
This made 0 sense. The act of being edgy is basically teenage kids that think they're cool, hardcore kids seem to think they're the edgiest things...
If it isn't optional why are you even telling us? You are trying to be an edgy badass.
So hardcore, almost pissed myself when I read you are joining the military.
Alex: 15 Ares :16 Hannah: Can't even find a mod named this. Conclusion: mineverse mods are a bunch of edgy teenagers playing minecraft instead of...
Nice, one example.
This is stupid if the guy in the video was banned for that. But that's what you get when your staff is literally a bunch of 13 year olds.
If this is the only proof you have, good luck getting him banned. If you tell someone to ddos you, I don't think they are getting banned. Also,...
I am selling my Minecraft account. Inbox if you are interested, I'm looking for 25-30 for it.
"gise people will go afk with aura for hours omg we need a mcmmo reset!11!!1" [img]
:/ dont reset mcmmo D:
Reset the map, reset the money bills, add mine-carts and nether portals again, don't reset mcmmo D: Zero got his mcmmo legit, there is no such...
Doesn't look like hacks to me :S