>Person with ton of money >Person who doesn't care about playing on mineverse > Dis dude scammed me ban him and give me monie!!11 >Double your...
Pictures = easy to fake, post a video if you want anyone to believe this.
Just buy cs:go? God why do i still check these forums.
How 2 fix: Use a computer u faking plebs.
That happened to me once :I.
>Asks why people don't like him >People tell him >Gets mad and denies everything
How to fix this: Stop being such a -edit-
Check'd and rekt, 5zig is full of trojans.
I'll look into this later, goodbye for now.
Actually 9/11 was an inside job, not one by our government, but one by terrorists planting chemicals like thermite.
K I gotta go masterb-I mean sleep. Don't expect replies until tomorrow
ofuk rekt
I dindu nuffin.
I like this guy already.
Probably about to get banned by one of MV's many trigger happy mods.
>Makes 9/11 thread. >expects it to not be controversial.
As i said it was totally pointless, if you only reffer about hitler's army. Afrikan korps were already destroyed, von Rommel was running in...
I'm not even off topic, go ahead and report me.
How old are? What do you know about war? Hiroshima was an entirely bad thing.