I do not support for the reasons above but they're some players so have access to all the kits on Skyblock and they aren't suppose to have access...
omg add me
I support, I don't play on creative but I think the diamond thing is dumb and your idea is great. But the only thing is that when you vote you get...
Anyone know when the nether is reseting in Skyblock?
wow Aly I love that haha
Hey yall! So my ign right now is ChristmasFoxx and I want to change it. I suck at coming up with names do yall have any suggestions?
support :))
Full support!! you are always so nice and helpful!!
Hello, does anyone know how I can find screenshots I've taken of off mc from my Mac?
here's a screenshot of him saying he's using hacks and I will send it
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: EnchantedFoxx The offender's exact ingame name:...
Hey guys!! I am back!!!
support it needs to be reset:)
my name is there now
His name is in there and its oblivious what rule he broke, the screen shots are there.
Kkorny has called me a hoe, slut and have a male body part on his skin also he asked me to send nudes. I asked him to stop (as you can see in the...