Wow, slenderende. Easy ban
1. Craftedhuman 2. Slenderende 3. Scamming - He was supposed to give some good stuff after I gave him 11 god apples but he said "Ok pay" then he...
1. craftedhuman 2. DoctorDistructo 3. Hacking - Anti Knockback 4. [media]
Hacking - sprinting while eating a cooked beef. [media]
I defend my friend because I don't like false reports. He was lagging that's all. There is no rule that says you are not allowed to lag? Because...
Oh, I'm not inolved when I can explain how everything happened?
He didn't auto-disconnect. I skyped with him and the skype call just crashed.
He was lagging. He didn't even hit you once because of his lag. The lag is causing a type of Anti-KB but don't give you any advantages. Also his...
Quad, I don't say that you are hacking.
Why did you use hacks? To ruin the fun gameplay for others?
He isn't hacking. If you think he hack, you gotta learn how to pvp.
1. craftedhuman 2. felix97hugo 3. Hacking - Abuses pressure plate at oldspawn and using fly hacks. 4. [media] Philip320 will try to not get him...
Yeah check the date when the video is uploaded.
Is this old? I recorded it a week ago.
Between 0:14 - 0:16 #Ninja's Epic Aimbot
1. craftedhuman 2. ninjasap421 3. Hacking - Killaura or Aimbot 4. [media]
The video is not working.
Try upload it to and then send the link.
1. Craftedhuman 2. S4nt3ri 3. Hacking - FF And Anti Knockback 4. [media]
1. craftedhuman 2. killedlikeaboss 3. DDoS threat 4.