np, try appealing. Good luck lsb :)
dont we all enjoy legos and pc?
Support, if someone takes suicide from a game, thats ridiculous. Also we are overpopulating we need more natural selection
when you kill cotner and its now considered hacking
@Hells Redempt dont give him attention that is what he wants for stealing a persons name because he can't train his stats up legitimately also he...
Dude you look like you are 10( im not lying) Btw Support
dude you are 100 % not 17
support :)
@Hells Redempt he lives beside me irl :O QuiQuinox ( he doesn't have a profile) i met him by fighting at spawn and he helped me so i started...
Support, Ben will be a good addition to the staff team.
You are clearly hacking in both of the videos and got banned on both of the game modes
No support you DON'T learn when you get banned and if anyone here says he does not hack.. [media] [media]
Your ingame name: Luckyguy710 The offender's ingame name: bj2090 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They broke a rule about...
getting red apples is not that hard i just got a stack in 10 minutes and you can make more efficient tree farm if you try
taka just get some money :3