i washed my teeth then drank orange juice :asshat:
i beat lorian and lothric yesterday on xbox
minecraft is going to die out because of the EULA and people are going to host cracked minecraft servers
rip mineverse users?
ive been banned for outhitting cotner on oppvp. and one of my friends got banned for saying "ima ddos you (his own ign)"
you can get banned for kill aura for outhiting a mod in pvp. threatening to ddos urself. and more
this is cringe, but Sweatshirt is worse.
this isnt about him is it? stop going off topic
leaking someones picture is messed up :/. As for Cotner i think he is incapable of being unbiased towards people, he has not banned any m@fia...
oh :c
what do you play dark souls 3 on?
i have not met anyone yet, that someone told them to suicide online and they did it. this is pathetic
if you take advice from random people on the internet thats retarded
pls stop offending my opinion this is 2 oppressive 4 me.
its a prank bro. but seriously if someone takes a death wish seriously thats natural selection
Support on everything but echests. echest reseting is useless and if your like me and my friends you will grind one game and get everything back