No support, the age thing is way to off, if you run for mod you can't lava people, just today you lava'ed Blackninja182, KYxCIVICxMAFIA, and I....
Yep ask me anything because on an old island I can still open chests and doors and break/place blocks.
Yes, I did advertise it in game, and I didn't think was frowned upon, so I will not do that again and thanks for the suggestions and help!
Hey come and look at my mod app please! You said you'd check it out yesterday.
This is Dcase78's Moderator Application All highlighted areas will be spoken of again in the end! How old are you?: I am currently 16 years of...
Ok So If I Obsessed and I seperated could we both still make (We have separated because of this.)?
Well I was wondering if I could join the alliance... But obsessed told me some of the people don't like me. So talk to me when you're on please.
Your ingame name: Dcase78 The offender's ingame name: adrian_0205 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Spamming...
Skyblock Alpha Clan! Visit /warp Dcase /warp Valuemart /warp Mart /warp Arcade /warp skyclan !
Skyblock Alpha Clan!
Ok I added colors,fonts, and lots of more info please If you now enjoy help me in my mod quest! Follow me to keep up with my applications so you...
Im on factions,skyblock,survival,skywars. If i get this than i will go to other servers a lot more often.
He has be reported 5 times I believe and has gotten banned all of the times I think but you and other mods keep letting him keep going he has...
Hello Dcase78, I was involved in a report, I was reporting BradG14 for scamming/stealing and it said he has been banned. But I get on today and...
This is Dcase78's Mod application! Please say support down in the comment box If you enjoy me, or this application if you don't know me...
Sorry my IGN: Dcase78
Your ingame name:Dcase78 The offender's ingame name:Sir_Spence A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Advertising a death warp,...
He's asked me 5 times to join and he says that he won't do anything but I tell him no because he said he would join and grief obsessedtoplay's...
I also have screenshots of this here they are.
The player Laroomed has been flying around our island (obsessedtoplay) and we are trying yo trade and he stole diamonds and said he lost them and...