I'm not at school, I'm at college but when I was... not really. Do you like chocolate cake?
No support, you only recently joined forums so be more active. As well as this, you could also add more information (especially in reasons for...
Be more active on the forums, you only joined today so you need to know exactly how they work. Also like the others said, add more information to...
Ew Chips
Be more active on forums, good luck :)
No support for now, you're new to the forums and need to know how they work, also the app itself is rather short so add some more info, good luck :)
Yep Do you like skittles?
No support, reasons above ^^ Good luck though :)
Thinking about it now, after reading the app more thoroughly, I'll change the neutral to support. Good luck :)
100% support, this needs to happen.
toN yllaeR.