Agreed, ok
so no it isn't (yes it is)?
Welcome to the forums!
@mattenphew @mattenphew @mattenphew @mattenphew @mattenphew @mattenphew @mattenphew @mattenphew @mattenphew @mattenphew @mattenphew @mattenphew...
I nEed sOMEthiNg
Completely agree w/ you, but I think you should only be able to pick a player that has commented on this thread because that makes it, well, fair imo
wouldn't know
no I actually am wondering something...
I was actually wondering the same
@mattenphew @mattenphew @mattenphew @mattenphew @mattenphew @mattenphew
I actually realy like that idea, 2v2 sounds like a lot of fun
how do u guys get so many keys anyways lmfao
ok but first, would you mind selling em to me for a low price, I want to sell them for more than what i bought em for, I will pay $6 ea, and i can...
Host it on Op, players have more, i guess you could say, 'experience' playing oppvp, make the sharpness cap s30, s35 and 40 1v1's are just too...
pls don't read the gringy post's on my profile from 2016 :0
dont you should sell them, you'd get a whole lot more money if you did that, and even if you were to win a s35 or 40 (very very low chance), with...