No support reason's right above.
THIS SHT IS SOOOO HILARIOUS!!! the funniest part is that the player she reported didn't even get punished and @i_am_youtuber 's comment on the...
hi sisters
Who's the older one?
Ty quertiss
I fr thought I became a mod and everyone was like "CONGRATS!!!" like wow
Yeah fax now your the best cause atom traded me for robosmith
I fr thought that something insane happened to me lol, I leave for an hour and come back to 81 alerts...
Cookie Dough Cookies and Cream Moose track Vanilla bean Coffee Chocolate Moose
Simp.. Support, give it to Supreme+
dennaB rof gnilleps sgniht sdrawrof.
dennab rof tifmocsiD
Should I?
Banned for ?
Bully @DiggyDigss for resigning from simplord, that's not allowed xD
Eternal atake for sure. Also My Turn lilbaby.
Banned for no