^And maybe adding my map (.)_(.)
Support. I suggest just removing Rust.
@Auzzi Thanks for the feeback, i just fixed that spot and added more detail!
Thank ya @Ifonus and BTW to whoever is reading, I am gonna add a few touch ups to the map today (:
@ShrektingPro @Wolfie @Swiftlicious @Andrewswj @Surge @WbcPvP_123/TewPotted @NoMoreSanity @Cosxtte @A Slightly ConfusedTomato @Talon_Flame...
Hey guys as I said earlier, I am making an infection map. Well, I got a few people to help me as I said I would, I will credit everyone on the...
@Swiftlicious check out my infection map thread. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/infection-new-map-schoolyard.88397/
@Jenn Hey, check out my thread on a new infection map please. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/infection-new-map-schoolyard.88397/
@Andrewswj did u see my thread about the infection map i made?
@IdefiniteBadBoy check the thread and leave a comment if you support, there is a vid.
@NoMoreSanity Thank you sm!! Glad to know you like. Make sure you tell people to watch the vid and leave a comment please!
@RandomNinja14 @Aidanchase17 @Cosxtte @KillAxra @Basic_Hydra @3volts I made the map already with help as I mentioned. Here is the link to the...
@IdefiniteBadBoy I made it, check out the thread http://www.mineverse.com/threads/infection-new-map-schoolyard.88397/
Hello, I am SquashyAgate of Mineverse. I join this server over a year ago. I am actively on everyday and for a while. Come play infection or...
Welcome back! :)
On infection in chat people are always asking... "What does p3 get?" "What does p4 get?" and so on... This eventually gets old and you don't feel...
I am going to start a new map. I might let a few people help me build. So first off if you wanna help comment if you do. Second i need ideas on...
There should be a /report (username) command. Where you can just easily report players without waiting for staff to come online. Usually when i...
Is creative down?