@CypriotMerks @Noobcrew @Pile @Nanurz @tin15cro @Payable @NoMoreSanity @Janice999 @Dyna_Mighty
May I ask why?
Does anyone have a link where I can get 2FA?
Can i ask why?
I have fixed the color
I have fixed I have fixed some stuff
I was never disrespectful to you I gave you gear and saved you was also in my faction
May I ask why
I'm on Fourms a lot just don't say anything
I'm active may I ask why? may I ask why?
What's your ign
Will do
SithKitten07 KILLERPANDA_123 Blackmailing
SithKitten07 Moderator application How old are you? I am 12 I will be turning 13 August. Your in-game name?...
No support lying about your age says 16 on this but says 15 on your profile page