I ha e you 20k lol its sith
SithKitten07 Hax4never Death Wishes Here is proof
Thanks for what you have done here! But may I ask why your not a mod anymore?
But it still says your a mod I made a report for someone that said "kys" and they got banned a unbanned fast
Uhm I'll be on tomorrow
Ain't it LifeOfLynx ??
Support hate this......
Support I hate not seeing if ther banned or not
About 30k
Watch till 9 and you can see him not miss a shot and kinda looks like a head snap
I'm using /Pv 1 /Pv 2 I'll try /vault
No they don't work and..... And his*^
Posted a report about 3 days ago still hasn't been looked at
And raZer_SiftPvP if he's hacking
@Exstatisfy @Vanishment @Clxrity @Janice999
SithKitten07 PUMPKIN_K1LLER [MEDIA] Reach/aura look at the head snap Thanks to thatoneguy55 for rec I would like to ask for a perm banned as he...
Again? I heard that we won't get them back D: