Support, Nice Application!
No Support effortless application use the template like @Statikk_Shiv said above. And you will success for now No Support
Support <3, see you around hmu when you see me.
Tabax FinalDistrict Spamming
No Support prob, the useless thing iv'e read all day, besides in my bio class...
Lol, you're not matture and you make people look at you're apps.
Support You're v bae, I actually took time to read this really good application!
Well, if they have been doing that Gyazo it or Screen it, Then report it to the fourms.
No Support this would just ruin alot of tim.
No Support your immature and you think you're all that. You also advertise your application and I don't think thats a good idea Also, Effortless...
No Support, this application is EFFORTLESS. Take more time in your application.
Tabax ExplodeBore04 What he did wrong was teleport me a lot of times I told him what he wanted and he said just trolling you....
Tabax D1amondF1nder Broke Rules by Using Racial Slurs 1.) 2.)
Your forums account name: Tabax The offender's forums account name: _MEGA_COOKIE_ A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...