Now I’m following you, there’s no where you can hide from meh >:3
I c u
No, I love her more
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: SparkyDanger_ The offender's exact ingame name: loikco...
ily2 ❤
Thank you Sniffy ♥️
Aw hell no
Yus sir
You’re immature.
But do you understand our rules? Clearly no. You only report people that easily offend you. I’m gonna be blunt, you ain’t right for this position.
HA, yeah no, never.
Why are you so mean to me D:
Then don’t state something you clearly don’t know anything about.
Maybe for you he’s changed but for others he hasn’t. Let them express their opinions about him and why he should or shouldn’t get the position....
Oi oi oi
Lookin hella fine