Need more mods across all servers, we recruit 5 a month (correct me if I'm wrong) but with all the mods resigning/getting demoted 5 isn't enough.
The library, nice.
What the hell is minecraft changing into, 1.9 will completely ruin PvP.
Please don't go to 1.9, at first I thought it was just the hit cooldown (which can be disabled as said above) then after reading the comments the...
Neutral, not needed but would be kinda cool.
Natural, although more players would come and play the server I don't really think it's needed.
No support, this is the stupid.
If you were so bored maybe you should spend more time thinking of rewards other than 'idk'. No support, crates are not needed for a pvp gamemode....
Yes! A 1v1 server where you can choose soup, potion or gapple.
Better not be true, bye rank Titan :(
If your resigning as moderator for better get some bloody good grades. Good luck.
Unbanned tomorrow, I will be No-Lifeing Op PvP once more :D
Either that or a bloody long list.
There used to be a cool down, then so many people complained that is was removed, I'm sure if this gets accepted more threads will be made to add...
Support, could you make it so a player can only be reported once or there would be a lot of reports on the same player.
No support, it's hard enough to get kills.