Little bit of a savage and going to comment without helping.
Support however I don't think this will fix much as people will continue how boosting until the perl cooldown ends.
If you feel you need to ask the community if you should become builder or not...Probaby not. You are a great builder though.
Not sure about dead yet but if the amount of players continue to fall at this rate it will be dead pretty soon.
Offenders Ign: Appleence My Ign: Tacos6914
Probably on my phone and done by accident, Have undone now..Sorry
What post?
Support and apparently this post need 10+ characters...
By the same mod?
Contemplating life..
draw me a taco pls <3
Your ingame name: Tacos6914 The offender's exact ingame name: erickwilson46 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Ddos...
Thanks to everyone that replied, after resetting my internet and pc a few times and having a little break it is now back to normal. Thanks :D
Note before you read: This isn't me complaining about lag and for it to be fixed because we all know that's not going to happen. Lately my...
Completely agree that hackers are a major problem however as said 1000 times throughout this thread they simply can't be stopped. Reduced number...
When is the daily restart?