I am going to re apply for mod again sometime next week (because i get out of school for the summer next week) hopefully I will get it.
I support you tads hopefully you will support me when I make mine again.
I already did joker I reported lamoid right on a mod's profile
Also happy 4 months.
Good luck in the future
I got good news for you. I just reported LamoidZombieDog to one of the best mods I know and that is Ex go show him the article by posting it on...
We got a hacker on the server it is LamoidZombieDog he threatened to kill someone (another minecraft player on mineverse) irl the article was...
Hes in now Im gona go tell the mods.
Look Infinxty_ we always have your back but I will need that person's minecraft name incase they come back to mineverse.
Its a girl actually, and We will help here against this person whose threatening her every step of the way.
Heh best to take a little one month break from mineverse and report that person IMITATLY to the higher ups but what is his/her name anyways so...
But here is the thing the forums are very hard on people when they try to apply for mod.
The Hunter you are very late now, I have been on the forums for over a month.
Enough with all the no support already I am tired of seeing X's on here
i remember
mostly everyday for 4-8 hours except the weekends is when I am on
tecknicly I been on creative for over a year now
i have updated the post a while ago now its size 6 but doesnot need more info
what do u need by size 4 and I do have support and detail
No support/ need more time on forums and on the server/ more info is needed to continue but otherwise good luck buddy