1. albiejoe04 2.creepersunin4321 3. Mabey ban evading , check ip , TewOP is his alt its banned.
But Everam was hitting me from very fare away and lading all the hits...
Im not sure i never saw anything with him saying 3 bars but i probaly wasnt paying attention.
The thing thats looks weird is how he his hitting from another direction ?
@Jenn @Nanurz
1. albiejoe04 2. Everam - KarmaDropz (2 hackers in the vid) 3.hacking reach/killaura 4 [MEDIA]
Old mineverse was good now everyone just hacksuates you if u get a good strafe in !!!!!
1. albiejoe04 2. IGetRekted 3.Hacking (hitting me side-ways) [MEDIA]
@Jenn ..
1. albiejoe4 2 . NoHacksuated AKA Stimpaayy 3. Ban Evading
Im not sure if Everam was hacking but karmadropz was.
1. albiejoe04 2. KarmaDropz 3. Hacking 4. [MEDIA]
@BlackZone @Alma
1.albiejoe04 2. Stimpaayy - Mike_Koyalski 3. Hacking 3 [MEDIA]
1. albiejoe04 BRUH 2. God 3. PvP Scale from 1-10 im probaly a 7/5 but on a good day i can drop some kids :) 4. Great Britain (25/07/2016) 5....